The Citizenship by Investment program is a significant and highly discussed topic nowadays. Investors from around the world wish to obtain additional citizenship, as they consider it as a realistic intangible asset they can own and transfer over to their families for generations to come.
The approach for dual citizenship, even though it had tentatively begun around 2006, nowadays thrives since many governments have enhanced their programs by adding attractive requirements, with the aim to increase investors’ capital inflow, to their countries.
With this strategy new opportunities rise for investors and entrepreneurs, since dual citizenship owners and their families acquire full residences rights with all the related advantages.
A dual Citizenship owner can enjoy great advantages through the additional nationality including safety, acquisition of a visa free regime for a number of countries, flexibility in tax restructuring, the right to live, work and make business in the second country, have access to the educational and medical system, business operation, holding bank accounts etc.
Our law firm may assist you with all the required procedures and documentation needed for preparing your application for Cyprus Permanent Residence . In addition, our specialized immigration department may assist investors who wish to apply for the Citizenship by Investment programs of the Caribbean countries Antigua & Barbuda, Dominica, St. Kitts and Nevis and Grenada.
Our company, Chambersfield Economides Kranos has a great expertise in proposing Citizenship by Investment schemes to Ultra – High – Net Worth (UHNW) and High-net-worth (HNW) individuals, as well as business investors, around the globe.